Saturday, June 25, 2011

Anti-National Front Demonstration In Southall (April 1979)(video)


  • Done by:Lau Yun Ling,Soh Kai Fen,Shirley Ang Yan Li ,Nazirah

  • Class:2N2

*See from top to end and this blog consist of three page plus !! Thank you:) Wish that you will enjoy XD*

National Service Ordinance

  • The riots were started by the Chinese-educated students when the Government introduced National Service.

  • The National Service ordinance required all males aged between 18 and 20 to register would be either jailed or fined.

More images of rioting!!

(Images of getting fight with the police)

(Some of the fire had catch the tour bus and led some of the innocent lives gone)

(This is one of the image that the police catch fire)

(Lots of police were used to against the student)

(Police's car was always catch fire)

(Vulgar words pointing the police were being written all around)

Why Did The Riot Happen?

  • National Service was not popular with Secondary students from Chinese schools.

  • Many of the Secondary school students were 20 years old or above as their education had disrupted by the war.

  • Furthermore,the students were not willing to depend the Colonial Government which ignored the Chinese students' interests.

Image of rebellion's action

(Blocking the police's way )

(Set out fire anywhere)

(Action of rebellion)

(set fire outside the Government's house)

When And How Did It Happen?!

  • It happen in 1954 in front of the Government house.the riots started by the Chinese-educated students when the Government introduced National Service.

  • The traditional Chinese belief that 'Good men should never be soldiers'